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Adrienne’s Testimony: Pregnancy Back Pain Alleviated


Headshot of Dr. Kevin Day, a chiropractor at Warsaw Chiropractic & Wellness. Posted by: Kevin Day 1 year ago

Lower Back Pain Caused

I was 9 months pregnant when I went to my chiropractor because my baby, Jack, was not positioned correctly to come out and was causing a lot of lower back pain. As adjustments began, the pain was significantly alleviated and my energy level went up.

Labor was very difficult and long, and due to Jack coming out flipped the wrong way, I experienced traumatic back labor. He was also too big to come out easily, so labor lasted a total of 39 hours. I continued to go to my chiropractor due to the complicated birth.

My lower back pain continues to improve and Jack has two bad spots that are worked on. Jack has very bad colic and reflux, but the crying and tantrums seem to be alleviated when his spine is corrected. Jack doesn’t like much in life right now as he is only 7 weeks, but he seems happy and calm when he gets adjusted!